A memorable day on the Stairmaster

Back in 2014 after retiring from 32+ years of teaching middle grades in a public school, I would go to the gym. 

It was still dark outside , as I made the AM trek to the local JCC and found an isolated stairmaster use.  As I put on my headphones, I searched for the perfect podcast to enlighten the mind or get lost in. 

Sounds True was always a great choice with excellent guests and interviewers. That memorable day, Tami Simon interviewed Linda Howe.   The topic was “How to Read The Akashic Records”  I was able to find a copy of it as an MP3 on their website but no podcast.  As Linda Howe continue to speak with her classic exuberance, I was drawn more and more into her story.  This was only eight years ago, and in terms of time, not that long ago.  Perhaps it was COVID or a general increase in all things spiritual over the last few years, but the knowledge /familiarity with this modality has gotten increasingly popular.

Today, there is a plethora of teachers and YouTube Videos and websites all dealing with “the Records”.  But back to my story…She was more than intriguing; her story of awakening and initiation into this work overwhelmingly moving. 



There was a strong tug on my heart and soul to explore this modality in depth. 



At that time, there were not many courses on reading The Akashic Records.  So, I signed up for her first course that fall, and immediately bough her book How To Read the Akashic Records.  We , almost immediately started to do shared readings with certain selected mentors, and I found it simple, and easy, and compelling, as well as intimidating. 

On my own, I went into my records quite often, always armed with a yellow legal pad and writing every word that I received from what Linda calls, “the masters, teachers, and loved ones.”  Simply put these are non-physical beings whose only job was to guard the records of an individual throughout their lifetime. We all have “stuff” in our lives that might seem to control our responses to certain situations.  This also might be known as triggers or triggering.  For me, with DNA 98.7 percent Ashkenazi Jew (from Europe- especially the Eastern part including Russia, Ukraine, and Poland) there were old, triggers and anxieties that can be found in the DNA many generations later.   In the past few years neuroscientists have studied this. There is even a label for this called "transgenerational epigenetic inheritance".

As a child I heard my ancestors talking about memories of Russia, being kicked out- and separated from the general culture and forced into their own schools or towns called shtetels.   My grandma, Mary a great soul, was also a great worrier, and even though I did not have those memories, I had a predilection towards worry and anxiety.  It was perplexing to my yogi husband who could find that sense of inner peace with the next breath, but not me.

And so began the inner exploration in my Akashic Records of how to calm the anxious mind.  Even with a night/weekend job as a yoga instructor, I still had that.  The endless writing for about two months continued without interruption.  I was blown away with the therapeutic results  that working with the Akashic Records gave and the incredible support, love and detail.  I started to experience less triggers, less worries, and whatever was there for me was being healed by daily reminders and unconditional love.  It was amazing. It was like having free therapy without an appointment or a bill.

I signed up for a second class and then another and a fourth.  I made it all the way up to Teacher Training.  And suddenly, my teacher was called to China to teach there.  But, that departure of one teacher did not quell my enthusiasm. 

You may be wondering what the Akashic Records are- and here is at least an elevator speech answer (there is a fuller description on the website).  It is a HUGE database in the ether of everything that ever was, is and will be.  How does it keep track and up to date?  More on that later.  For now, let’s leave it there.

Big Blessings of Light and Namaste

(My soul bows to your soul with respect)



Em Gallagher