Happy Holidays, big toe, card pull, crystals, 2023 potentials12/25/22-


            I am writing this early to you all to wish you a Happy Holiday season, no matter what you celebrate.  May all your dreams come true. May you stay healthy and happy.  May you deal with obstacles with east and grace.  May all beings be happy and free.  This newsletter is coming out early as we are heading south to Guatemala tomorrow.

            Been getting into the rhythm of writing these musings and varying the content. 

So here we go....

1. The Physical body: specifically my right big toe toenail

            I had the second surgery of the year.. totally unexpected but necessary.  Having walked the labyrinth  of finding a specialist for what I thought was an ingrown toenail, suddenly the toe grew in size and color.  I knew it was time to have done what was inevitable.  Time was short. This awareness of  a

new chapter was clear.  Miraculously, an appt was available for the next day.  The Dr. was funny, joking around with me, and helping me deal with the news that I would not have a toenail on my right big toe for at least a year.  So here we are..  12 days before the trip and the biggest question on the mind was what shoes do I wear?  Some of you might know that I am the daughter of what he called "a shoe merchant.".  And I bet Dad is laughing at my concerns from his home in Heaven. 

            I decided to try something new.. practicing an intention.  My intention is to have quick and targeted healing.  I have a few allies.... to help as well as a pretty developed prayer practice.  Many of you know about creatures of habit, and the proverbial reminder "oh yeah, why didn't I think of that."  Well today, it became clear... ASK for help.. from the goddess of healing called Hygeia , and any other angels that I talk to , especially Raphael..  Every day I have a clear practice and from now until the 26th, that is the main focus..

2.  Card pull for 2023-- I used to do a complex card pull every year for self and a couple of close friends.  It was complex and time consuming.  With new creations, I was guided to pull form five decks, shown in this newsletter, based on the question:  What themes are in the works for 2023- basically what is up for me in the coming year?

3. Crystals Some of you might already know that I am married to a wonderful man who was a crystal expert, and helped others find the best ones for what they were trying to create.  As an aside, the first time we met officially was at the Expanding Light Retreat in Northern California.  He took my hand and noticed my rings.. OK, I thought..  He certainly had an eye for beautiful gemstones was one of my first impressions of Tom.  During Covid, with extra time on my hands.. I totally got into them.  Without going through too much detail,  there is a picture of the goddess Hygeia next to a HUGE crystal called Rosesophia..    If you are at all interested, there is a fabulous book called The Book of Stones by Robert Simmons, who discusses this stone in great detail.  A shoutout to Holly LaRochelle, my dear friend and herbalist with whom I collaborated during most of 2021.  Recently I am in a new sleeping pattern of waking up between 3-5 AM..  YIKES..  I had read in the book the Rosesophia helps with sleep.  So now I bring the three pound sphere to my pillow each night and by golly, it worked!!

4.  2023-  Seriously how did this happen?  but it did and here we are upon another new year.  In numerology it is a seven year for the collective which  can  emphasizes introspection, emotion, analysis, intuition, reflection, seclusion, research, and FAITH. This is meant to be a quieter, “inner” year in which you can learn the answers to your most burning and often avoided questions.  However, we all have individual years which may differ..  In any case, my friend Jeffrey who has a YouTube channel and does Tarot readings talked on Tuesday 12/13 of some potentials for the new year- 1.  Many are waking up..

2.  Many are coming forward with their gifts and talents and more.. Here is the link if you want to see his predictions.  https://youtu.be/tY4IG44I44Y


May you all be blessed with all the gifts of this season and a very happy and healthy New Year.

Namaste and Big Blessings of Light-





Susan Brochin