How learning to navigate the Akashic Records can help with curiosity and understanding

October Newsletter and blog post from Musin’ With Susan        10/10/2022

  The  Benefits of Learning to  Read the Akashic Records- part 2


            Dear Friends,     

            Here is one of the blogs from my website:   This is part two of the topic.  For topic one how I discovered them, please visit my website and check out the blog posts about the Akashic Records.  This one covers only a small amount of the vastness which one can discover when opening the records. You can pretty much ask questions like the following when opening for yourself:  I have found such a sense of well-being and purpose since discovering how to read the Akashic Records.  Here are some examples of questions you can ask.

1.     Why did I choose this family?

2.     Tell me about why a certain event that I found painful was there to teach me.

3.     What role did x play in my life and what did I learn from the relationship?

In addition,  you can have access to a parent’s record (whether on the other side or here) since you have the same DNA.   Wait! There is more (there is always more),  here is a list of some questions  you can access without permission:

  Here is a partial list of what you can do:

1.     Open the records of your current dwelling, whether you own it or not.

2.     Open the records of your property.

3.     Your pet (Ask permission verbally or not, and see if the stay or walk away )

4.     Your government or country that you are a citizen of.

5.     A sacred site such as Giza, Stonehenge,  etc.

6.     An Ascended Master

7.     An Archangel or Angel

8.     Your workplace

9.     The Divine Feminine Collective (yes it exists)

10.  Different plants

11.  Your business- I have friends who have received a business plan in their records

            I am not teaching a group class in the records until later in 2023 BUT if you would like 1:1 instruction reasonably prices,  message me at we can figure something out.

AND—Stay tuned for a HUGE deep dive class with a free introduction on November 17th, on working with the Divine Feminine. Full details coming in the early November newsletter.




Big blessings of light,



Susan Brochin