Why learn the Akashic Records?

Musin’ with Susan Blog post #4

The Benefits of Learning to Read the Akashic Records

In the first blog, I told the story of opening my records for the first time while taking How to Read the Akashic Records Level One with Linda Howe. The focus of that was all about unexpected ancestral healing of patterns. This one is a bit more of a general glimpse what can open up when one has access to their own records. Where to begin? Since “The Records” are probably the most vast collection of data in the Universe .The question of where to begin is both exciting and overwhelming; exciting because of all of the data, history, and information that suddenly is available, and overwhelming because there is the proverbial question of “Where do I start?”

The most logical answer is another question.. if you were to get any kind of intuitive reading, where would you start? It differs with everyone. Some want to know how to navigate an illness, or a challenge. Others might want to know about their current relationships. Many might want to know when their soulmate will arrive. (more on that later).

My response is always , “What is present in your life right now”? The Akashic Guides also known as your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones have the job of adding to your records all that is important in this lifetime. They change with each incarnation. For anyone new to reading the Records, one of the first places to start is getting to know yourself. Try this: start to record a list of questions regarding you in this chapter of your life. Here are a few examples (many subjects to see the plethora of possibility). Remember that currently you are only asking about situations involving you and cannot open the records of anyone else without their explicit permission. Avoid yes/no questions. And ask clarifying questions related to answers you receive.

1. Tell me what I need to know regarding the recent breakup of a friendship. (or be specific and name the other person, but you will only receive that which is relevant to you)

2. How can I create more harmony and peace in my home?

3. I adopted a new cat. The other cat resident is not happy. What is the best way to bond them?

4. How can I create more peace and harmony regarding my relationship to abundance?

5. I am having some challenges with my 16 year old son (you can name him). What can I do to improve the relationship?

In the How to Read the Akashic Records course, you will be taught the process of opening

them which includes a visualization and a blessing and a closing. You can be ready to open after that initial class. Learning to do this provides a gateway into receiving not just information regarding yourself, but access to many areas of life that have pretty much infinite potential to satisfy any curious soul.

Susan Brochin