Trip to Glastonbury and West Kennet Longbarrow


          Back in 2019 I was blessed to have the opportunity to visit Glastonbury England.  I had been working with a fabulous teacher, Amita Stark for a few years and had wanted to participate in her trip to Glastonbury.  I did not know much about it before going and what a fabulous experience. Daily there was magic, starting with the Tuesday market gemstones, as well as the authentic cheddar cheese from Cheddar, England.

         I happened upon a great Tarot reader on the walk from the B and B to town, and received a reading. At the end of the reading he said something like

         “Be sure to go to West Kennet, Longbarrow

 And Silbury Hill”. As it turned out this trip was on the itinerary for the following day.  As it turned out it was one of the largest, most impressive and most accessible Neolithic chambered tombs in Britain. Built in around 3650 BC, it was used for a short time as a burial chamber.  I was intrigued and excited.  The next day turned out to be the highlight of my trip

So we arrived at the site.  Getting out of the bus, what looked like a high expansive hill greeted us .  From far away it looked like a scene from “The English Patient” film, but up close it was an expanse of unending wheat fields.  At the top of the hill was the cave in which we were to have our shamanic healing.

All was prepared and ready for the ceremony to begin. The drum beat was rhythmic, and loud.  Tourist were also outside the came and came in with curiousity.  I struggled to find a comfortable position. Even for this barely five foot person, my head touched the top.  It must have been lovely to have had everyone less than five feet five thousand years ago.  So it was focus time, breathing time.  I heard the rattles and settled in and out of the blue, a coiled rattlesnake showed up at my third eye virtually, not a real one..  The left brain cried out.. OMG I hate rattlesnakes.  It looked a lot like the one we met on a trail outside of Boulder in 2016.

Then I surrendered again, to the process to the drumbeat to the rattles, eyeing my “Well Done Sistas” experiencing it deeply . With eyes closed, the rattler appeared again.  Using the Oh that is interesting mantra that I learned in Oracle School to get out of emotion, I surrendered again.. Not having any concept of time again, the snake appeared again.  It was HUGE I mean a head like two feet in diameter.  It opened its mouth to swallow me whole.. HOLY ####.. seriously..  What is happening here?   So,

soon after, the drumming ended and so did the meal for this snake.  I was still there, but certainly drawn into the lower shamanic world.  Whoa what was that?

         Wanting to ground I went outside of the cave to breath the warmth of the summer air, and made my way down the hill.. Wait!!!  There is more.  I found another Leah, another sister, and was just speaking about what I recall to be the rattlesnake and out of the blue I lost balance and fell..  It was so strange, kind of like I was pushed by someone , if so who was it , and why?

 My sisters rushed to give assistance, and the driver gave me some first aid and ice.  I remember some slow mo movement but I do feel like I was pushed by spirit.. maybe to not forget this moment.  Who knows.

 In any case…  The next day with the help of arnica and prayers,the knee was healing and the scab starting in the shape of a heart. 

Writing this a full three years later, and having canceled this year’s trip due to my hip,  this memory is as real as it way in August of 2019.  As I nostalgically look back at that trip, I welcome and look forward to what next year’s pilgrimage will bring

Check this out…  after getting home I pulled this card and message.

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Rattlesnake, from the Messages From Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Card deck, by Stephen D Farmer

Rattlesnake: “The experiences that you are presently going through are an initiation into fulfilling your purpose as a healer.”

“The foundation for compassion is an awareness that suffering is a natural part of life, whether through the empathic appreciation of another being’s pain or the experience of having suffered oneself. And which beings have not at times felt the pain or sorrow that is an aspect of living on this planet? The deeper you go into the soul of another, the more you can feel what they feel, yet paradoxically maintain a certain distance or objectivity.

A true Healer must heal from the heart, no matter what technological, logistical, physical, or shamanic tools they use. The experiences that you are going through now or have just completed are all a preparation for you to open your heart to the suffering around you and do your part in alleviating it. You will find that you are increasingly being asked to offer your time and energy to help heal others – including not only people, but also animals, plant beings, tree people, and ultimately, our Earth Mother. Some of this healing power will also go to mend the rifts that exist between races, ethnicities, and other species.

You will notice more and more how often your hands will spontaneously feel energized, experiencing it as heat or a tingling sensation. This is the Power of Spirit working through you. Allow it to guide you in whatever the focus of your healing is, whether simply placing a hand on the shoulder of a friend, or more extensively and directly involving yourself in another being’s health.”*

– Stephen D Farmer

Susan Brochin